Forest Bathing Practice With Andrea

A pre-recorded audio program to guide you along an immersive Forest Bathing experience wherever you are in the world.

Price: $9

About The Program

The term ‘Forest Bathing’ references a physiological + psychological practice that emerged in Japan in the 1980s. This practice, also known as ‘Shinrin-yoku’, was cultivated to help people achieve two goals; to relieve feelings of burnout while also inspiring residents to connect with, and protect the country’s green spaces. ⁠ ⁠

Forest Bathing is an open-ended practice in the sense that there is no right or wrong way to experience it. It can be as simple as standing in nature and noticing the smells, sounds + sights the area provides you. ⁠ ⁠

This pre-recorded audio program is set to accompany you the next time you are intentionally spending time in nature - Nectar Creatrix Andrea will guide you on a 20-minute session, allowing you to mindfully take in your nature surroundings, wherever you are in the world.

This audio series can be played from your phone or computer and repeated as many times as you’d like.

No experience necessary. This program is open to everyone looking to connect with themselves and the natural world around them.

*Course participants are eligible for a discounted rate on live 1:1 coaching calls with Andrea after or during the course. Please contact us at for rates.